Keeping your personal information up to date
Personal information
We record the personal information for every new starter in a confidential folder, maintained by People-ops. It is therefore very important that you let us know if you change any of the below. You can complete this form for any changes. Even if it is a temporary relocation, it is useful to make a note of the change.
- your name
- location
- address
- personal contact number & email
- next of kin name and contact number
We ask for this information so we can keep our records up to date, use when appropriate and make relevant changes when needed. For example, a change of name or country might mean that we need to issue a new contract for you. We rely on our records for orders and deliveries to team members. Contact details for a next of kin would be useful in case of an emergency, and personal number and email are used for various tools throughout the Balena life cycle.
Your team
A subset of the current team's personal information is displayed in the Current Team Model, this is a read-only document visible to the whole team. The Current Team Model is a useful resource to consult for your fellow team members' balena contact details, location and availabilities, to name a few.
Note that sensitive personal information, such as addresses, emergency contacts and contact numbers are stored confidentially, and are not visible to the team through the Current Team Model or any other way.
For every new starter, we also create a personal Google sheet, titled user-<Github-handle>
. You would have received an invite to edit this sheet upon onboarding. It contains some basic preferences that the team member is responsible for maintaining:
Working hours
Detailed instructions on how to maintain this section of your personal sheet is provided in the working hours section of this handbook.
Birthday preference
Every week during the All Hands call we wish happy birthday to team members. We do understand though that everyone's birth date is private info that not everyone might want to share with the whole team at a call. For that reason, we have made it possible for every team member to indicate whether or not we may share their birthday team-wide.
Preferred shift lengths
If you participate in any of our support channel rotations, you should enter your preferred shift length for each relevant channel in this section. Our support scheduler will do its best to schedule your support hours in chunks matching your preferred shift length as closely as possible. You only need to enter values for channels in which you participate.