balena team member access
- Sign up to with your e-mail account
- Sign up to with your e-mail account (the verification e-mail for staging environment will be sent to Front on
) - Let the Operations team know what your username is by pinging @@operations in Jellyfish and use the #access hashtag in your request.
balena team member access means that you have access to create microservices & essentials applications, while free users can only create starter ones. Once your team member subscription is added by the Operations team, you can check your orgs billing page and see that you are on the "team member" plan.
This is really useful when you provide customer support. In addition, in order to have accurate analytics reporting, we need to tag our usernames that are utilized internally for development or testing purposes. We already filter out users with our balena email addresses ( You shouldn't need to utilize an account with non-balena email address, but there is ever a valid use case for it, please contact Operations with your username to get the team_member role added to your account.