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Live the balena user experience

Our users spend a lot of time using balena. We must make their experience as pleasant as possible and help them get the most out of our service.

As a new joiner you you’ll be required to sign up, and create a project with balena. Live what our users live, get in their shoes! In this journey we need you to act exactly as a user would act. Visit the website, click the sign-up button, set up your balenaCloud account, go through our docs, deploy code to a device (physical or virtual) etc. If you don't have development skills to deploy code yet, make sure to tell us where our signup and setup fails or confuses you. You can always get some help from your buddy with this if needed!

We try to keep all accounts strictly for support, so you are encouraged to create an account with your personal email, if you don't already have one, to use for this and also for Hack Fridays and any other personal or side projects you might be working on. If you are already a balena user and familiar with the product, your feedback is still very valuable, so let us know what you think!


Please, think about anything that is related to your experience as you use the product. Everything under the sun is fair game, from the user interface, to the performance of the kernel. Whatever you liked or did not like, we want to hear!

If you are using balena for the first time and you encounter difficulties, don’t worry, these points of frictions are even more important than the feedback from a seasoned user. Balena should be equally pleasurable and easy-to-use to both a power-user and an IoT newcomer.

Remember that a problem that you may face, could lead to a solution that affects thousands of balena users.

Your feedback is valuable.

Here are some ideas to accompany your feedback, you can use these as prompts or you can completely ignore them!

  • What is balena in a sentence?
  • What project did you make?
  • How was the journey? Did you find the platform easy to use or did you get lost at some point?
  • Did you find something that you had to google and the balena docs did not cover?
  • If you had 💰💰 to improve only one feature, which would it be and why?

The Process

  • Start your message with the title **Live the balena experience**, and add a hashtag of #internal_feedback
  • Accompany the feedback with your balenaCloud username & approximate date of your experience
  • Share your feedback with the Product team, using the @@product-team group mention in Jellyfish

Final Thoughts

Your first month is a unique time, one where you’re relatively unbiased about the product, and we want to make sure we get the most honest and detailed feedback we can. We always welcome feedback, so please do share your thoughts!